When I was a kid for some reason I wanted to learn how to wiggle my ears. I was probably 10 or 11 years old at the time and I thought being able to wiggle my ears would be so cool. Hey I was a kid.
I remember first trying to concentrate real hard and making my ears wiggle. If you haven’t tried this, it is a lot harder than it sounds. I remember feeling my face move and my eyebrows move but I couldn’t tell if my ears were wiggling.
I then tried using my hands to feel if my ears were moving, but that didn’t work very well. It wasn’t until I got the idea to look in a mirror while trying to wiggle my ears that I started to make progress.
I went in the bathroom and watched myself as a tried to figure out how to make my ears move. It took a lot of trial and error with me making all kinds of funny looking faces.
Finally after watching myself in the mirror and learning how to move my facial muscles I was able to isolate the correct muscles and I could make my ears wiggle just a tiny bit.
I remember the first things I had to learn was to not move all the other muscles in my face and learn to move just the ones needed to make my ears wiggle.
Learning to wiggle my ears was quite a challenge. It was one of those weird things I did as a kid. I am sure you have some of your own weird kid things so stop laughing at mine.
Anyway I was determined to learn to wiggle my ears and I would practice just about every time is was alone and in front of a mirror, such as when I would brush my teeth in the morning and at night.
After a couple of weeks of this I got really good at wiggling my ears. I no longer needed to look in the mirror to get it right. In fact I got so good I could wiggle each ear by itself, kind of like left and right turn signals on a car. I can wiggle the left ear or the right ear or both at the same time. I remember showing off to my friends. Nobody else in could do it.
I can still do it today. It is like learning to ride a bike. Once you learn how, the basic skill stays with you the rest of your life.
Okay you may be wondering what this has to do with a woman’s orgasm. Well quite a lot actually. You see learning to climax and enjoy easy orgasms is a lot like learning to wiggle your ears; at least it was for me. And from the research I’ve done it applies to all women. Let me explain.
After years of frustration and difficulty achieving orgasm, especially during sex with my husband, I decided I would do something about it. I knew how to climax, I had been doing it by myself since I was a teenager, but sometimes it would take forever to happen.
I decided this was not right or fair for that matter and I opened my mind to the possibility that a woman’s orgasms should be easy and frequent. I got tired of reading articles about other women who enjoyed multiple orgasms on a regular basis. I decided I was going to be one of those women.
As I researched how to become more orgasmic I learned the importance of training my orgasm muscle or pubococcygeal muscle AKA the PC muscle. I learned that most women (over 90% in one study) did not know how to contract and control this muscle that is so critical for female orgasm.
Studies showed that most women when asked to squeeze their PC muscle mistakenly tighten their buttocks, thighs, legs, and abdominal muscles instead. Studies also showed the best way for a woman to learn to get in tune with her orgasm muscle and learn to flex it was through some kind of biofeedback.
What this means is she needs to see what she is doing so she can learn when she is doing it correctly. Then she can focus on that and improve her skill and control of the muscle.
This is when I had an “Ah ha!” moment and remembered how I had learned to wiggle my ears as a kid. I had used biofeedback when looking into the mirror to figure out how to move the muscles to wiggle my ears! And how not to move the other muscles in my face.
I was one of those women who would have to tighten my legs stiff as a board while working my way to an orgasm. Sometimes I would get a cramp in my leg. And the following day the muscles in my butt and the back of my legs would be stiff and sore.
In this on my back and stiff legged position you can forget trying to orgasm during intercourse. There was no way I could enjoy my husband and climax in this position.
I needed to be in this stiff legged position because that is how I first learned to reach orgasm when I was a teenager. That was the only way I knew how to get the muscle tension I needed to climax.
It wasn’t until I learned to consciously control my orgasm muscle using a pelvic muscle exerciser that gave me not only the resistance necessary to strengthen the pelvic muscles but also provided the biofeedback I needed did I learn how to climax in almost any position, orgasm during intercourse and do it multiple times.
Just like learning to wiggle my ears using biofeedback, regular practice with my pelvic muscle exerciser has made climaxing easier and multiple orgasms routine. Now I am one of those multi-orgasmic women I used to envy.