Why spend thousands of dollars for great sex when you can have it for just pennies. Don’t get me wrong. I think good sex is worth thousands of dollars, especially now that I enjoy great sex almost every day, I just don’t think a sexually active woman should have to pay thousands of dollars for temporary enhancement of something that literally comes naturally and for pleasures she can enjoy for a lifetime and not for just a few months.
If you are not sure what I am referring to see Better Sex in Seconds – Shooting Up the G-spot for Great Sex.
To demonstrate what a woman needs to achieve “G-spot Amplification” and orgasm enhancement I am going to use the circumstances of the three women from Better Sex in Seconds – Shooting Up the G-spot for Great Sex and use my own introspection and creative imagination to read between lines and give some insight.

This is not surprising. Birthing a child substantially stretches and strains a woman’s pelvic floor muscles. Most women lose vaginal tightness from childbirth. At 23 years of age Cara enjoyed the benefits of fairly toned pelvic muscles as a part of her youth. Because she is comfortable with her sexuality she probably masturbated regularly in addition to having sex with a partner frequently. She enjoyed satisfying orgasms and intercourse. (Remember this is purely conjecture as I do not know Cara’s actual sexual practices and behavior.)
After giving birth her vagina loss its tightness, so intercourse did not provide the stimulation it once did. Plus the experience of childbirth probably disrupted some of her genital sensory awareness and sensitivity; this combined with the loss of vaginal tightness most likely made getting the stimulation she needed to climax much more difficult.
Tighten Up for Great Sex with ezCOME
Now let’s take a look at what most likely happened to make the G-Shot ™ increase her level of passion and result in her having multiple orgasms hours after getting it.
First, on the day Cara received the G-Shot™ she is mentally focused on her vagina, in other words her awareness is intentionally elevated. Second, she subconsciously expects to experience an improvement in her sexual experience. This is the placebo effect at work. Third, the collagen injection produces a bump approximately an inch in diameter and extending about a ¼ inch into the vaginal canal. The collagen not only produces this lump, the injection into the G-spot region increases Cara’s awareness of her G-spot and enhances the sensations of pressure and stimulation to this erogenous zone.
Now let’s examine what happened a few hours later when she has “passionate sex” with her boyfriend that results in Cara having multiple orgasms, "It was like three...three last night," exclaimed Cara, “…it was phenomenal!”
First, Cara is mentally aroused. She is excited about trying out her $1,500 investment and mentally anticipating the benefits. Mental arousal and stimulation are key ingredients for female pleasure and sexual enjoyment, in fact in can be more important than physical arousal and stimulation in many cases.

Click Here to Mentally Stimulate & Arouse Women
However in this situation, Cara also has elevated physical arousal, she feels the sensation of pressure in her G-spot region, this not only provides her sexual stimulation; it also elevates her mental awareness of her physical arousal, which elevates her mental arousal, which elevates her physical and so it goes on continuing to build up her anticipation and need for sexual release.
It is not surprising that she describes the sex with her boy friend that night as extremely passionate. By the time she begins the sexual encounter with her boyfriend she is already in a highly aroused state. Both mentally and physically. When intercourse finally does occur, not only are her genitals swollen from hours of her heightened state of arousal, her vagina is tighter because of the collagen injection, and her G-spot has been awakened and is very responsive to the stimulation provide by the thrusting penis of her boyfriend during intercourse.
I am surprised she had only three orgasms. When I get this highly aroused I lose track of the number of orgasms I have. The orgasms just keep coming until all the built up sexual energy is used up and I am completely satisfied and spent. Sometimes it’s take an hour or so and at other times it can take several hours.
Here is what women and men can learn from Cara’s experience with the G-Shot™ about being a sexually responsive woman:
1. A woman needs to be comfortable with her sexuality and needs to “cultivate” (Oprah’s Dr. Northrup’s, OBGYN, word for masturbation) her body awareness so she knows how to recieve pleasure.
2. Women can and should use intentional mental effort to focus on and increase genital awareness. (Ladies do you have genital awareness? Are you able to easily contract and relax your vagina at will? Use ezCOME for this, the results will "O"maze you.)
3. Mental arousal and anticipation are important to female sexual arousal and gratification.(Men I recommend you use Super Seduction Power to help her with this. You won't be sorry.)
4. Pelvic muscle tone is essential for a tight vagina, increasing vaginal awareness and increasing orgasmic ability.(I use the ezCOME for this.)
5. The G-spot needs to be awakened in order to be receptive to stimulation.(Using the ezCOME will help with this too.)
6. Multiple orgasms and extended sexual pleasure naturally occur in women when the previous conditions exist.(They certainlyl do! You must See this Private Video.)
When these conditions exist “G-spot Amplification” and orgasm enhancement are the natural result in sexually active women with normal sexual function.(See the Sex Benefits Video ).
Later, we’ll take a closer look at each of these conditions and how to achieve them without spending $1,000s. Come again soon…

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