While out shopping I found a fantastic passion pillow. I like to place a pillow under my bum during sex in my favorite position. Not only does it make sex more comfortable.
It has the effect of tilting my hips and changing the angle of my vagina in such a way that causes my hubby’s penis to rub and press into my G-spot when he thrusts.

In this position I love the way his penis rubs against the base of my clitoris inside my vagina and presses into my G-spot when he thrusts. Because I have developed my vagina muscles with regular pelvic exercise, I’ll have him enter me and remain still while I squeeze and milk his penis (The Velvet Grip technique), pressing it into

Sometimes I use my hand to stimulate my clitoris. And sometimes I like to have him go really deep inside me so I pull my knees to my chest.
My hubby has learned he needs only to gently thrust his penis into my G-spot as I build up to orgasm, its more like a bumping motion than a thrust, or he remains still and enjoys the pleasure of my strong vagina gripping ans squeezing his penis and then my orgasmic contractions around his penis.
I also like it when he plays with my nipples during my build up to climax. Then, when I start to come, he pinches my nipples firmly (but not too hard) and gently pulls them as I reach the peak of my orgasm.
He has learned to wait for my most intense orgasm (usually the third or fourth one) to tug my nipples. Otherwise they are too tender for the next time we have sex.
The sight of my final intense orgasm, not only lets him know it is his turn to come, it usually turns him on so much he has no choice but to come. His grabbing of my legs and hungrily thrusting his penis into me as he climaxes, prolongs my own orgasmic pleasure.
I do have in my collection of sex accessories a Liberator® wedge. I usually keep it in the closet out of sight. It just doesn’t look like the kind of pillow you leave out. And when the time is right to use it, we are usually too involved in what we are doing to stop and get it out of the closet. Although I am sure my hubby would gladly retrieve it for me, if I asked.
But by this time I am too hungry to have his penis inside me, or I am enjoying the feeling of him being inside me and I don’t want to stop. So we make do with tucking one of the bed pillows under my bum.

And if that isn’t enough to get you excited, it also comes in several different colors and has bling. You can choose from ‘Diva’ or a peace sign design (I thought the peace sign was cleaver play on words if you think of the pillow as a sex accessory). It only costs $12 at your local BigLots store! If you want one you better act fast because I don’t know how long they will have them in stock.
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