When you hear the term “hand job” you usually think of it in terms of a man’s penis. However, women enjoy a good hand job too.
The term “fingering” or “finger f@#$ing” a woman is often used but I don’t think it properly conveys the right idea of what it means to pleasure a woman by gently and carefully stroking her vulva and clitoris with the fingers and hands.
“Fingering” and “finger f@#$ing” sounds too rough and implies the need to insert a finger into the vagina. A more accurate description would be a “vulva massage”. But that sounds too clinical. It would be like calling a hand job on a man a “penis massage”. While accurate, it just doesn’t sound very sexy.
I suppose you could correctly call it a “yoni massage”, but again that doesn’t sound sexy enough and too new age. I like the raw sexiness of the term “hand job” whether referring to pleasuring man or a woman with the hand and fingers. It sounds gritty and sexy without being too vulgar, clinical or mystical.
The term “hand job” clearly conveys the idea of using the hands for giving pleasure. And just as there are many techniques for giving a man a hand job, the same is true when giving a woman a hand job.
The one thing male and female hand jobs have in common is the need for plenty of lubrication. The best way to ensure this is to use some Astroglide® or something similar. Petroleum jelly makes a very good lubricant for a great hand job on a woman (or a man for that matter). Just be aware that it will dissolve things made out of latex such as condoms.
Never ever try to stroke the clitoris with out plenty of lubrication. Plenty of lube not only increases pleasure, it will decrease the likelihood of irritating the sensitive clitoral tissue.
Here are some easy and satisfying techniques to use…

Circling the Clitoris – use the tips or pads of the fingers to make big circles around the clitoris. Avoid direct contact with the clitoris at first. Gradually make the circles smaller and smaller until just the tip of the clitoris is being circled. Lots of lube and a light touch are important when directly stimulating the clitoris.
Drumming and Stroking the Labia – Lightly tapping along the length of the labia gives good vibrations. Change to lightly stroking the length of the labia then go back to tapping.
Stiring It Up – Insert 2 fingers (usually the middle and index fingers) and gently stir. The idea is to gently wake up the entire vaginal wall, including the g-spot and a-spot. Deeper and more vigorous stimulation of these can be added later as arousal levels increase and the desire for more vigorous stimulation .
Wag the Tip – Move one or two fingers rapidly from side to side across the tip of the clitoris. If this is too intense move the surrounding tissue and clitoral hood instead.
Experiment to find the combination of moves that work best and if in doubt ask. And remember speed is often not as important as consistency for most women.

For more details and instructions for getting and giving “good hand” check out: The Zen of Giving a Woman a Hot Hand Job – How to Finger a Woman and Have Her Coming Back for More.