My hubby loves my “lily white” skin. He tells me this all the time. I, however, am not so fond of being lily white and each spring look forward to getting some color by lying out in the sun and tanning. The problem is I don’ really tan, I pink instead. But I like the added color and I like having tan lines. Seeing them in the mirror makes me feel sexy and confident. For me it’s like wearing lingerie, it makes me feel more feminine, alluring and desirable.
The problem is I have over cooked myself on more than one occasion and instead of getting a little pink; I have ended up more of a lobster red. This of course means no sex for awhile because contact and movement are too painful for any kind of intimate activity. I think this is the real reason my hubby says he likes my lily white skin. No sunburn means no interruption in sex. And neither one of us wants wants that.
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Also, he has noticed on days I sunbath without getting burned, I am hornier than usual and anxious to get him alone for some very hot action. I am not sure if my increased horniness is from the increase in testosterone my body produces from lying in the sun, or if it is the feel of the sun’s rays warming my bikini bottom and my vulva.
Probably a little bit of both.
Add to that my sense of increased sexiness from having tan lines and it is no wonder I turn into a wild woman in bed on these days (it is usually still day light out when I jump his bones because I can’t wait until evening).
The poor guy is conflicted. Does he want to me sunbath because it usually means some very hot action in bed or does he not want me to sunbath because a sunburn means no action at all for several days and me in a lot of pain.
He knows I get annoyed when he keeps an eye on the time I spend in the sun and alerts me when he thinks I should end my sun tanning (pinking) session to keep me from getting sunburned. I know he has good intentions but it still annoys me.
I think that is how he discovered astaxanthin. He was looking for something to keep me from getting sunburned when I sunbath. And I have to say this astaxanthin stuff really works.
Normally I can only be out in the sun for 30 to 45 minutes. Much more than that and I will get sunburned. But since I have been using astaxanthin, I don’t get sunburned when I sunbath even if when I stay in the sun longer than I should. I take 16mg per day. Now I just get some color and tan lines, just like I like it. Remember I have very fair skin.
What really convinced me of how great astaxanthin is for preventing sunburn happened a few weeks after I started using it. Since I was no longer getting sunburned, my hubby had quit keeping a close eye on the time I was out in the sun. One day while sunning my buns I fell asleep.
And I snoozed for an hour and a half in the middle of the day when the sun is the strongest! I thought for sure I was going to be badly sunburned and in terrible pain for at least the next week. As it turned out I was just slightly sunburned and that was gone by the next day. If you have fair skin, you know this just does not happen.
If you like what sunning your buns does for your love life like I do and want to enjoy the health benefits of vitamin D from the sun while preventing the damaging effects to your skin you have to get some astaxanthin.
Here is the link to the article about astaxanthin my hubby found: http://www.naturalnews.com/023177.html
Sun your buns safely and have some fun. I hope you come again soon...