Women who get in tune with their G-spot or female prostate open up a whole new world of sexual experiences for her and her partner, such as multiple orgasms and female ejaculation (squirting).
For women massaging the G-spot is a luxury and a gateway to increased sexual pleasures. However, for men massaging his G-spot or more accurately his prostate may not be a luxury but a necessity to insure his sexual health. Read on:
Keep Your Manhood Healthy for Life Long Intimacy
by David Christian Solomon
Phoenix Sexual Health Examiner -
Click Here to Read more Articles by David
Unless you have been living in a lead mine you have probably heard about the male prostrate (not to be confused with the female prostate or G-spot). However, if you have been living in a lead mine here are some prostate facts you need to know:
The male prostate is about the size and shape of a walnut and is located directly below the bladder. It produces a milky fluid that makes up about a third of the content of a male’s ejaculation. In addition to adding volume to semen the milky fluid moistens the lining of the urethra (the tube that carries both urine and semen out of the body) and helps to protect sperm from the acidic environment of the vagina and cervix.
As men age the prostate often begins to enlarge. This is a result of a build up of too much dihydrotestoterone or DHT. Around the age of 40 men’s body’s begin creating more of an enzyme called 5-alpha reductase. This enzyme converts testosterone into DHT. By-the-way this is the same thing that cause male pattern baldness.
High levels of DHT cause inflammation and enlargement of the prostate gland. If left untreated the prostate can swell to the size of a grapefruit. Just imagine having something the size of plum or worse yet a grapefruit pressing up against your bladder and squeezing the urethra tube. No wonder urinating and sex become a problem with an enlarged prostate.
The fancy name for an enlarged prostrate is Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia or BPH. BPH is NOT prostate cancer. Nor does having BPH increase the likelihood of getting prostate cancer. However the symptoms of BPH and prostate cancer are similar and include:
- Frequent trips to the bathroom
- A weak urine stream
- Dribbling
- A burning sensation in the groin area
- Sleep interruption
- Pain in the low back and hips
- A loss of libido
- Soft erections
If a man is experiencing symptoms like these he should be checked by a qualified medical practitioner.
The smartest thing a man can do to protect his manhood and insure a long life of intimate enjoyment is to take care of his prostate. This includes:
- Getting regular prostate screenings after the age of 50, sooner if problems are suspected
- Exercise at least 3 times a week for a minimum of 15 to 30 minutes
- Eat a low carbohydrate alkalizing diet (no breads, grains and sugars, etc. and instead eat lots of veggies and lean proteins)
- Take supplements that have been shown to increase prostate health, such as:
- Fish oil – Studies show it reduces inflammation in the prostate. 1000mg fish oil capsule per 40lbs is a good rule of thumb; e.g. 160lb male would need to take four capsules per day.
- Zinc – Prostate fluid contains up to 1000 times more zinc than the blood. Make sure you are getting at least 15mg per day.
- Beta-sterol – Studies have shown it may inhibit the formation of 5-alpha reductase and DHT in the prostate and has been used successfully to treat BPH. It may also help reduce estrogen levels and increase testosterone production in men - boosting libido. 150 to 600mg per day has been found to reduce or eliminate BPH.
- Prostate massage – Regular prostate massages two or three times a week is very beneficial for maintaining prostrate health. This can be done by a partner or alone using a DIY prostate massage instructions using special prostate massager medical device.
As Mr. Spock would say: "Live long and... prosper."
About the Author
Instructional video for partner assisted prostate massage.
DIY prostate massage instructions using a special prostate massager.
David Solomon is a freelance writer.
Instructional on how to massage the prostate
Video sent by LiberatorCinema
Getting your man to allow you to massage his prostate may be a little difficult at first. Men can be a bit homophobic about it. Somehow thinking letting you massage their "G-spot" could mean they are gay.
Once you can get him to relax and let you do it you should be able to change his mind. Especially if you add some manhood stroking while you are fingering and massaging his prostate. The sensations you give him will be quite exciting.
To ease his mind (and other things) use plenty of lubrication on your massaging finger(s). You can also use latex finger cots or a latex glove. If you have long fingernails put a cotton ball over your fingernail to pad it then roll the finger cot over it or put on the latex glove.
Remember massaging a man's prostate is not just a lot a fun and a great way to give him an intense orgasm, it is also very good for his long term sexual health...Come again soon.
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